152.Annual meeting and conference of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology(NACS) . Tampere 6.10.2024, Finland. Oral presentation Törnävä, M & Kontula, O. To Happiness and Pleasure with Own Hands.
151. An Invited presentation” How to have sex and pleasure great again – combination of the results of the FINSEX and the book” Between sexual desire and reality”. In autumn Hybrid Meeting of the Nordic Society for Sexual Medicine in Turku 28.10.2022.
150. Conference of Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Tartu, Estonia. 30.9.2022. Oral presentation: Why women have difficulties to have orgasms? A large-scale qualitative study.
149. An Invited presentation” How to increase sexual pleasure”. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) webinar in World Sexual Health Day 4.9.2022.
148. An invited presentation “History and Future of Sex Surveys in Europe”. I the Closing Conference for GeSID – German Health and Sexuality Survey: “Sex Survey Research in Europe”. Hamburg, 17.6.2022.
147. Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Carolina, Puerto Rico 18.-21.11.2021. Video presentation: Increase in Masturbation Habits Among Generations.
146. COST European Sexual Medicine Network Symposium Sexuality in Europe, Salzburg, Austria 22.10.2021. Oral presentation: Why women have difficulties to have orgasms? – A large scale qualitative study.
145. COST European Medicine Network Meeting National sex surveys among adult population in Europe, Prague, Czech Republic 14.10.2021. Oral presentation: A brief history of the previous collaboration among the authors of national sex surveys in Europe.
144. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) conference in Cape Town 10.9.2021. Video presentation: Increase in masturbation habits among generations.
143. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) conference in Cape Town 10.9.2021. Video presentation: What impacts COVID-19 has on relationships and sexuality in 2020.
142. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) conference in Cape Town 10.9.2021. Video presentation in WAS Sexuality Education symposium: What boys really desire to know about sex: Boys-project.
141. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) and SASHA webinar in 9.6.2021. Presentation “Evidence-based sexuality education: A model for comprehensive sexuality education”.
140. World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) webinar: The struggle for CSE around the world. Obstacles and successes. 26.11.2020. Moderator and presenter.
139. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) 2020 Global Sex Research virtual conference 20.11.2020. Video presentation: Trends in sexual habits in Finland since the early 1970s.
138. Nytfestivalen conference in Oslo, Norway 7.11.2020. Invited talk: How to make sex great again.
137. The 9th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights, Nairobi, Kenya 13.2.2020. Presentation in the symposium of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS).
136. The 9th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights; Advancing Access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Africa, in Nairobi Kenya 13.2.2020. Oral presentation: Evidence-based sexuality education: A model for comprehensive sexuality education.
135. Mentor in the WHO:n hackathon meeting ”the Global standard instrument for assessing sexual practices, behaviours, and sexual health-related outcomes worldwide” in Nairobi, Kenya 14.-16.1.2020.
134. International Anatolian Twin Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, Istanbul, Turkey 17.11.2019. Key note presentation: What roads lead to better sex in relationships?
133. International Anatolian Twin Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, Istanbul, Turkey 16.11.2019. Key note presentation: Why women have difficulties to have orgasms? – A large scale qualitative study.
132. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Denver, USA, November 9, 2019. Oral presentation: Why women have difficulties to have orgasms? – A large scale qualitative study.
131. World Congress for Sexual Health (WAS), Mexico City, Mexico, 4.10.2019.
Invited talk: Why women have difficulties to have orgasms? – A large scale qualitative study.
130. Giornate di Studio sulla Populazione conference organized by AISP, Italian Association for Population Studies, Milan 24.1.2019. Invited talk: Non-heterosexual Measures in National Sex Surveys in Finland.
129. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Montreal, Canada, 9.11.2018. Presentation: Increase in masturbation habits among generations.
128. 40th Conference of Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Turku, Finland, 20.9.2018. Oral presentation: What roads lead to better sex in relationships?
126-127. 18th Congress of the European Federation for Sexology, Albufeira, Portugal, May 9-12, 2018. Oral presentation: Evidence-based sexuality education: a model for comprehensive sexuality education. Oral presentation: Increase in masturbation habits among generations.
125. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Atlanta, USA, 10.11.2017. Presentation: ‘Women increased substantially their sexual partners in the 2000s’.
124. 40th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Trondheim, Norway, 13.10. 2017. Presentation: Female sexual interest with other women’.
123. 23rd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), Prague, Czech Republic, 31.5.2017. Plenary presentation: ‘Determinants of female sexual orgasms’.
122. 23rd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), Prague, Czech Republic, 29.5.2017. Presentation: ‘What boys desire to know about sex’.
121. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Phoenix, USA, 18.11.2016. Presentation: ”Do men desire sex more often than women do?”
120. 39th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Tartto, Estonia, 24.9. 2016 Presentation: Do men desire sex more often than women do?
119. 63rd International conference ICCFR International Commission on Couple and Family Relations, Trento, Italia, July 18, 2016 Workshop Happy Hour: A counselling project concerning the couple relationship for antenatal clinics’ personnel in Finland; Oral presentation: Together or apart? Keys to happy relationships and reasons for separating among Finnish couples
118. 17th Congress of the European Federation for Sexology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 28, 2016. Oral presention: Determinants of female sexual orgasms
116 – 117. The Regional Program on Sex Education in School Health (PRESSE), Conference Educacao sexual na regional norte, Porto, Portugal, May 13, 2016. Invited presentations: 1. Excellency and Innovation in Sexuality Education; 2. New views on adolescents’ sexuality education
115. International Centre of expertise on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights RUTGERS, Seminar on sexuality studies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 27, 2015. Oral presentation: Interpreting the results.
114. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Albuquerque, USA, November 13, 2015. Presidential Plenary: Determinants of Female Sexual Orgasms.
113. For innspillskonferanse for ny sexuell helsestrategi, Helsedirektoratet, Oslo, Norway, 8.10.2015. Presentation: Sexuality and sexual health through the life course – Societal responses to population needs.
112. 38th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association fro Clinical Sexology (NACS), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2.10.2015. Presentation: Determinants of female sexual orgasms.
111. The 22th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, Singapore, July 27, 2015. Oral presentation: Together or apart? A study of the role on intimacy in conflicts and reasons for separating among couples. In Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) symposium ‘Sexual Science and its Application’
110. Joint Conference of EUSTI (Estonian Union Against Sexually Trasmitted Infections) and EASS (Estonian Academic Society of Sexology), Pärnu, Estonia, June 6, 2015. Oral presentation: Origins of sexual arousal in symposium ‘Different pleasures, various relationships, miscellaneous identities’.
109. International Anatolian Twin Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, Istanbul, Turkey 1.-3.5.2015. Key note presentation: Determinants of female sexual orgasms in Finland.
109. International Anatolian Twin Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, Istanbul, Turkey 1.-3.5.2015. Key note presentation: Together or apart? A study of the role on intimacy in conflicts and reasons for separating among couples.
108. International Anatolian Twin Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, Istanbul, Turkey 1.-3.5.2015. Oral presentation: Sexual mind.
107. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Omaha, USA, November 7, 2014
Oral presentation: Together or apart? A study of the role of intimacy in conflicts and reasons for separating among couples.
106. 37th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Malmö, Sweden, September 18-21, 2014
Oral presentation: Together or apart? A study of the role of intimacy in conflicts and reasons for separating among couples
104-105. 16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine joint by the 12th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Istanbul, Turkey, January 29 – February 1, 2014
Master Lecture: What boys really desire to know about sex
Oral presention: Why sexuality education is important
103. 36th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Aalborg, Denmark, October 3-6, 2013.
Oral presentation: What boys really desire to know about sex
101-102. The 21th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, Porto Alegre, Brasil, September 21-24, 2013
Oral presentation: What boys really desire to know about sex
Oral presentation: The evolution of desire: A view to low sexual desire among women
100. 15th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM), Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 8, 2012 Invited talk: Organic vs. psychogenic erectile dysfunction, still a necessary distinction?
99. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Tampa, USA, November 10, 2012
Oral presentation: The Evolution of Sexual Desire: A View to Low Sexual Desire Among Women
98. Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS) conference, Helsinki 6.10.2012
Oral presentation: The Origin of Sexual Arousal
97. XXI Nordic Fertility Society Meeting, Helsinki 8.8.2012
Invited presentation: Happiness and sexuality in couple relationships
95-96. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), Houston, USA, November 4, 2011
Oral presentation: Male Sexual Disappointments in Their Relationships after Having Children
Oral presentation: Duration of Relationships and Sexual Activities
94. 34th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Oslo, Norway, October 14, 2011
Oral presentation: The evolution of desire: A view to low sexual desire among women
92-93. The 20th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, Glasgow, Scotland, June 13-14, 2011
Oral presentation: The evolution of sexology in Nordic countries
Oral presentation: Training programs for sexologists in Europe
Coordinator of Symposia: Training programs in sexology in Europe
91. Sexual Revolution: a seminar, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Amsterdam 8-9 April, 2011
Oral Presentation: Implementation of Sexual Rights in Finland
89-90. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Las Vegas, USA, November 4-7, 2010
Oral presentation: Training Programs for Sexologists in Europe
Oral presentation: Sexual Evolution in Finland and Europe
88. 33th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS), Tallinn, Estonia, October 15-17, 2010
Oral presentation: Training Programs for Sexologists in Europe
87. 10th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Oporto, Portugal, May 12, 2010
Key Note Lecture: Training Programs for Sexologists in Europe – A demand for collaboration?
Chairperson: Master lecture: E. Laumann:”Sexual expression over the life course: Results from three landmark surveys” 11.5.2010
Selected Papers: Sexuality, health & well being 10.5.2010
86. 10th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Oporto, Portugal, May 11, 2010
Gold Medal lecture: Sexual Evolution in Finland and Europe – With special perspective to gender issues
84-85. Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, November 5-8, 2009
Oral presentation: The evolution of sexual desire: A view to gender differences
Oral presentation: Nordic sex education: A case of Finland
83. The IVth Biennal International Sex and Relationships Education Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 8.9.2009
Oral presentation: Nordic Sex Education: A Case of Finland
81-82. The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 22, 2009
Oral presentations:
The evolution of sexual desire: A view to gender differences
Sex research tradition in Finland 1971-2007: Main trends
Chairperson: Symposia S4.1.: National Sex Surveys in the Nordic Countries.
79-80. Annual Meeting and Conference of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, November 5-9, 2008
Oral presentation: The role of sexuality in couple relationships
Oral presentation: Response rate and selection bias in a sex survey
78. 31th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Reykjavik, Iceland, September 4-7, 2008
Oral presentation: Sex research tradition in Finland 1971-2007: main trends in sexual attitudes and behaviour
77. 55th International Conference of the International Commission on couple and Family Relations, Helsinki, June 10-13, 2008
Invited key note speaker: The role of sexuality in couple relationships
76. 16th Nordic Demographic Symposium
Helsinki, June 5.-7, 2008
Oral presentation: Sex research tradition in Finland 1971-2007: analysis on representativeness
74-75. 9th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology
Rome, Italy, April 13 – 17, 2008
Oral presentations:
Nordic sex education: A case of Finland
Sex research tradition in Finland 1971-2007: Main trends and analysis on representativeness
73. 30th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 6-9, 2007
Oral presentation: Sex Education in Finland: National Surveys of Sex Education at Grades 7-9 and of Sexual Knowledge at grade 8
71-72. XVIII World Congress of Sexology, First World Congress on Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia, April 15-19, 2007
Oral presentations:
1. National Survey on Sex Education And Sexual Knowledge Among Adolescents in Finland
2. Sexual Activity And Sexual Desire At The Age Over 45
Oral Poster: Studies In Human Sexuality, Cross Cultural Sexuality and Ethics
Symposium: Genital Modification …? Mutilation
69-70. 48th Annual Meeting and Conference of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Las Vegas, USA, November 9-12, 2006
Oral presentation: Sexual Activity and Sexual Desire at the Age Over 45
Oral presentation: National Survey on Sex Education and Sexual Knowledge
68. 29th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Gothenburg, Sweden, September 8-10, 2006
Oral presentation: The Essence of Eroticism
65-67. 8th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology
Prague, Czech Republic, June 4 – 8, 2006
Oral presentations:
1. The Role of education in sexual health among young Europeans
2. Professional features in the training for sexual health promotion in the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (with Sirpa Valkama)
3. Human sexuality and aging: an empirical study
64. 28th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Jyväskylä, Finland, September 9, 2005
Opening of the Conference
63. The Meeting of the Population Policy Acceptance Study (DIALOG)
Brussels, Belgium, September 5, 2005
Oral presentation: Socio-economic transition, population related policy and demographic change
62. XVII World Congress of Sexology, World Association for Sexology
Montreal, Canada, July 10-15, 2005.
Oral presentation: The role of education and information in sexual health in Europe
61. The Meeting of the Population Policy Acceptance Study (DIALOG)
Vienna, Austria, April 17, 2005
Oral presentation: Main results of the report D15
60. XII latinoamericano Congreso FLASSES “Sexualidad en crisis. Conflictos y alternativas
Santiago, Chile, October 13-16, 2004
Key note speaker: Sexual health in Europe: the role of education and information
59. 27th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Trondheim, Norway, September 16-19, 2004.
Oral presentation: Bi- Homosexuality in the National Surveys in Europe
58. 30th Annual Meeting and Conference of International Academy of Sex Research Helsinki, Finland, June 16-19, 2004
Oral presentation: Renaissance of Romanticism in the Era of Increasing Individualism
57. 7th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, ‘Together – Integrating Sexology’
Brighton, United Kingdom, May 12-16, 2004
Oral presentation: The Role of Nursing Professionals in Sexology in Finland
56. 6th meeting of European Population Committee, Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France, November 26-28, 2003
Oral presentation: Reproductive health in Europe: the role of education and information
55. 46th Annual Meeting and Conference of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
San Antonio, USA, November 7-10, 2003
Oral presentation: Renaissance of Romanticism in the Era of Increasing Individualism
54. Conference “Same-sex couples, same-sex partnerships and homosexual marriages: A focus on cross-country differentials”. Organized by International Comparisons Unit, INED, Paris and Department of Economic History, Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden, September 25-26, 2003.
Invited Oral presentation: Bi and Homosexual experiences in European sex surveys from the perspective of couple history
52-53. The 26th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Pärnu, Estonia. September 18-21, 2003.
Oral presentation: Sexual and reproductive behaviour among teenagers in Europe in the 1990s
Oral presentation: Sexology as a profession in Europe: Professional challenge
51. European Population Conference 2003, European populations: challenges and opportunities
Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August, 2003
Oral presentation: Sexual and reproductive behaviour among teenagers in Europe in the 1990s
Organizer in Session C3: Contraception and induced abortion in other countries
50. Conference “Milestones for a cross-national survey research on population”. Instituto di ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali.
Rome, Italy, June 30 – July 2, 2003
Invited Oral presentation: Bi- Homosexuality in the National Surveys in Europe
49. 5rd meeting of European Population Committee, Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France, June 3-5, 2003
Oral presentation: Reproductive health: the role of education and information
46-48. XVI World Congress of Sexology
Havanna, Kuuba, March 10-14, 2003
Oral presentation: Human sexuality and aging: an empirical study
Oral presentation: Sexology in Finland
Oral presentation: Nationwide quiz of sexual health knowledge among 8-grade students in Finland (with Dan Apter)
45. Institute national d’études démographiques (INED) European comparisons
Paris, France, March 3, 2003.
Invited Oral presentation: Bi- and Homosexuality in the National Surveys in Europe,
Discussant: Marie-Ange Schiltz
44. 4th meeting of European Population Committee, Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France, November 26-28, 2002
Oral presentation: Trends in teenage sexual behaviour, pregnancies, and STIs and HIV infections in Europe
43. 45th Annual Meeting and Conference of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Montreal, Canada, November 7-10, 2002
Oral presentation: Human Sexuality and Aging: An Empirical Study
42. The 25th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Copenhagen. August 30 – September 1, 2002.
Oral presentation: Transition to feminine sexual culture on northern Europe
41. 6th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, ‘Sexuality in a Real and Virtu@l Environment’
Limassol, Cyprus, June 16-20, 2002
Oral presentation: Transition to feminine sexual culture on northern Europe
40. The seminar on gender differences in sexuality organized by the Finnish Association for Sexology (FIAS) and Estonian Academic Society for Sexology (EASS)
Varbla, Estonia, June 7-9, 2002
Oral presentation: Research Perspective on Gender Differences in Sexuality.
39. 3rd meeting of European Population Committee, Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France, June 3-5, 2002
Oral presentation: Reproductive health: Sexual and reproductive behaviour.
38. The EU Workshop of the new encounter module (NEM) for following-up HIV/AIDS prevention in general population surveys. Centre d’études sociologiques, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis
Brussels, Belgium, February 21-22, 2002
Oral presentation: Response rate and selection bias in a sex survey: An empirical test
37. The Finnish Association for Sexology and University of Helsinki, Seminar on Sexuality in the Baltic Area.
Helsinki, Finland, November 2, 2001
Oral presentation: Sex research and sexual health
36. 44th Annual Meeting and Conference of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
San Diego, USA, October 26, 2001
Oral presentation: Masturbation in Generational Perspective
34-35. The 24th conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Visby. September 13-14, 2001
Workshop Oral presentation: Homosexuality in the National Surveys
Oral presentation: Masturbation in Generational Perspective
33. The XXIVth International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), General Population Conference
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, August 20, 2001
Oral presentation: Response rate and selection bias in a sex survey: An empirical test
32. European Population Conference 2001
Helsinki, Finland, June 8, 2001
Oral presentation: Response rate and selection bias in a sex survey: An empirical test
31. Seksuaasel Teel Levivate Infektsioonide Eesti Ühing STLIEÜ) III konverents, Pärnu, Estonia, June 1, 2001
Oral presentation: Sexual behavior and STDs
30. 43th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
Orlando, Florida, USA, November 9-12, 2000
Oral presentation: “Response rate and selection bias in a sex survey: An empirical test”
29. The 23th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Helsinki, Finland, September 21-24.2000.
Welcome speech.
28. Joint Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
St.Louis, Missouri, USA, November 3-7, 1999.
Oral presentation: “Cultural Variations of Sexual Initiation”
27. The 22th Conference and Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association of Clinical Sexology (NACS)
Grimstad, Norway, September 17.-19.1999
Keynote Oral presentation: “Cultural Variations of Sexual Initiation”.
26. 14th World Congress of Sexology “Sexuality in the New Millennium”
Hong Kong, China, 23-27.8.1999.
Oral presentation: “Cultural Variations of Sexual Initiation”.
25. 1998 Eastern Region (The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality) 21st Annual Conference “The Future of Sexual Health: Education, Counseling and Health Care a Call to Action”
Boston, USA, April 3-5, 1998.
Invited keynote speaker: Sexual Health Perspectives from Across the Atlantic
Oral presentation: Sexual Health in View of Sexual Satisfaction
24. 1997 Joint Annual Meeting: The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and the American Association of the Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists, Washington, USA, November 12-16, 1997.
Oral presentation: Sexual Attitudinal and Behavioral Patterns Among Heterosexual University Students in Finland, Sweden, and the United States (with Ilsa Lottes)
23. First International Conference: Beyond Boundaries – Sexuality Across Culture Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 29-31, August 1, 1997.
Oral presentation: Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Among Heterosexual University Students in Finland, Sweden, and the United States (with Ilsa Lottes)
22. 13th World Congress of Sexology
Valencia, Spain, June 25-29, 1997
Oral presentation: Sexual Generations in Finland
20-21. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS), Houston, USA, November 14-17, 1996
Oral presentations:
1. Sex Education in Finland
2. Orgasmic Frequency in Finland: Do Age and Gender make a Difference?
19. University of Maryland County, International Lecture Series
Baltimore, USA, November 11, 1996
Lecture: Sexual Generations in Finland
18. 58th Annual Conference of National Council on Family Relations
Kansas City, USA, November 7-10, 1996.
Oral presentation: Predictors of Orgasmic Frequency: A Case of Finland (with Carol Darling)
17. 7th Annual Conference on Drug Use and Drug Policy
Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 26-28, 1996.
Oral presentation: On the Implementation of the Drug Policies – The European Perspective.
16. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS)
San Francisco, USA, November 9-12, 1995
Oral presentation: The first sexual experiences in Europe
15. The annual Nordic sexology conference, The Nordic association of clinical sexology
Iceland 1995
Invited speaker: Sexual Behavior Changes between Generations in Finland
14. The second European Conference for Sociology – European Societies: Fusion or Fission
Budapest, Hungary 1995
Oral presentation: The first sexual experiences in Europe
13. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS)
Miami, USA 1994
Oral presentation: Sexuality Changing from Privacy to the Open – A study of the Finnish press over the years from 1961 to 1991
12. 5th Annual Conference on Drug Issues and Drug Policy
Odense, Denmark 1994
Oral presentation: The Development of Drug Use and Drug Policy in Finland and in Europe in the 1980s
11. Second Congress of the European Federation of Sexology
Copenhagen, Denmark 1994
Oral presentation: Sexual Behavior Changes in Finland in Past 20 Years
10. 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS), Chicago, USA 1993
Oral presentation: Sexual Behavior Changes in Finland During the Last 20 Years
9. 4th Annual Conference on Drug Issues and Drug Policy
Rome, Italy 1993
Oral presentation: The prevalence of drug use and its relation to problem use in Finland
8. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS)
San Diego, USA 1992
Oral presentation: Cultural Terms of Sexual Initiation
7. The Third Annual Conference on Drug Use and Drug Policy,
Northampton, United Kingdom 1992
Oral presentation: Drug experimentation and reference group in youth culture
6. Forum on Sexuality, SISWO
Amsterdam, Netherlands 1992
Oral presentation: Cultural Terms of Sexual Initiation
5. University of Tartu,
Tartu, Estonia 1992
Oral presentation: Research on Sexual Behavior
4. Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research
Oslo, Norway 1992
Oral presentation: Drug experimentation and reference group in youth culture
3. EC Concerted Action on Sexual Behavior & Risks of HIV Infection
Sesimbra, Portugal 1991
Oral presentation: Have AIDS campaigns had an impact on adolescent sexuality in Finland between 1986 and 1988?
2. International seminar on family life and sexual health education
Israel 1989
Oral presentation: Adolescent sexuality in Finland
1. Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan,
Göteborg, Sweden 1988
Oral presentation: Sexualundersökningar bland finska ungdomar